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SMRT Systems Help Center

  • Is it possible to go "ZERO BILL" on my monthly electric bills?"
    Yes, it is possible. "Zero Bill" can be attained with the right set up. An Off-grid setup or Hybrid setup is suggested. You can contact us so we can assist you further.
  • I am on budget but I want to go Solar, how can I do that?"
    We can customize a system based on actual and previous consumption for tha past 3 or more months. Once we obtain the figures we can recommend what is suitable to your property.
  • Wnat is Net-Metering?
    Net-metering allows customers of Distribution Utilities (DUs) to install an on-site Renewable Energy (RE) facility not exceeding 100 kilowatts (kW) in capacity so they can generate electricity for their own use. Any electricity generated that is not consumed by the customer is automatically exported to the DU’s distribution system. The DU then gives a peso credit for the excess electricity received equivalent to the DU’s blended generation cost, excluding other generation adjustments, and deducts the credits earned to the customer’s electric bill. Excess power generated from the solar PV installation will be delivered to the local distribution grid of the electric distribution utility and will be used to offset the end-user’s electricity consumption. In other words, end-users become “prosumers” or producers and consumers of electricity at the same time. In effect, end-users are able to generate savings on their electricity bill and protect themselves against rising electricity prices. source:/
  • What are the benefits if I apply for Net-metering?
    By generating electricity for own use, you reduce the amount of electricity you buy from your local DU. The rate of savings (or avoided cost) realized on electricity generated for own use is equivalent to the DU’s retail rate consisting of charges for generation, transmission, system loss, distribution, subsidies, taxes and other charges. You also earn peso credits on any excess electricity exported to the DU equivalent to the DU’s blended generation cost, excluding other generation adjustments. The peso credits earned is then used to reduce your electric bill/s. With this regards we can assist you with the process of application of net-metering together with the requirements they need. source:/
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